
Did you know that since 2017, all pangolin species have been fully protected in Cameroon? Hunting, capturing and keeping these animals is strictly prohibited because they reproduce slowly. Their role in nature is essential to maintain the balance of our environment and ensure our well-being. So, let’s say no to the consumption and trade of protected species.
Their freedom, our security.

Together we fought to make Cameroon shine, but we also lost. And today, Cameroon is fighting to defend our natural heritage, the basis of our tradition and our cultures, victims of the growing illegal trade in protected species. So, let’s put an end to the consumption of protected species.
Their freedom, our security.

Since 2017, Cameroon has protected all pangolin species. These animals, essential to our ecosystem, are in danger because of illegal trade. Their slow reproduction makes their protection even more crucial.
Say no to the consumption and trade of pangolins. Their survival is essential for our environment and our future.
Their freedom, our security.

Cameroon’s natural wealth includes pangolins, protected since 2017. Despite this, these animals are still threatened by illegal trade. They play a vital role in our ecosystem and deserve our protection. Let us refuse the consumption and trade of protected species. Together, let’s ensure a future where these animals can live freely.
Their freedom, our security.